Photo-project by Lali Shengelia - You. Change. Alone.

Reading time: 1 minute

We present you the photo-essay, which was created by Lali Shengelia (Kutaisi) under the frameworks of our project "Feminist Photo Wokrshop".

"The objective of this photo project was to enable women to see themselves through others' eyes. I first photographed my respondents, and then asked them to describe the woman they saw in the photograph. They were given several minutes to stay alone with themselves, and enjoy a little free space to gain an understanding of what they wanted to change. The project participants were asked one more question: are women's rights protected in their surroundings? Unfortunately, not everyone wished to discuss this issue, and some proceeded to focus on women as the culprits. Despite these obstacles, I believe it is interesting to recognize the subjective views of these women".
