Anne Klein Women’s Award 2014

Reading time: 2 minutes

Böll Foundation is pleased to present Anne Klein Women’s Award. The selection of candidates has already started and the deadline is September 30, 2014. We believe that it will be important to suggest candidates from South Caucasus Region as well. Accordingly, we share the link with relevant information with you. We hope to receive suggestions for the candidates from our partners and supporters.

Candidates nominated for the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Anne Klein Women’s Award should be politically active members of civil society – women who, as role models, encourage women and girls to act in gender-democratic ways. Their engagement and commitment to women’s and girls’ causes should be outstanding, especially towards

  • making gender democracy a reality
  • abolishing discrimination based on gender or gender identity
  • political commitment for women’s, human, and civil rights
  • the promotion of women and girls in science and research.

Please, send your suggestions (name of the candidate, biography and argumentation) to the following email address: etuna.nogaideli[at]

Read the additional information about the award on this link.


Short film about Anne Klein, prepared by Böll Foundation:


Anne-Klein-Frauenpreis mit englischem Untertitel - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

video-thumbnail Watch on YouTube