Education: M.A. - Gender Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences; Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
Research Interests: Gender, Intersectional Feminism, Queer Theory, Gender in Soviet Union.
Languages: Georgian, English, Russian, Armenian.
City: Tbilisi
Email: allaparunova(at)gmail.com
Alla Parunova is a feminist activist. In January 2015 she became a member of “Georgian Young Greens”. Since that she actively has been involved in Green Politics, Feminist and Queer activism. In 2012, Alla Parunova holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature from Tbilisi State University. Her main research interests are intersection of gender, sexuality, class and ethnicity and power relations concerned with these categories. She is also interested in Soviet past and its influence on development of Post-Soviet countries and their politics. Her Master thesis “Docile Bodies”, or the Soviet Discourse on Sexuality discusses dominant discourses on sexuality that were prevailed during Brezhnev Era.
2015 - Parunova, Alla. “Docile Bodies” or Soviet Discourse on Sexuality.