Education: Bachelors in International Affairs
Position: Co-founder of Solidarity Network – Workers’ Center and Invisible Labor
Research Interests: labor, women’s labor, political economy, development, social movements, activism, Soviet and leftist international history.
Languages: English, Georgian
City: Tbilisi
Email: sopikoj(at)
Sopiko Japaridze lived in the United States of America for 22 years, she came back to Georgia three years ago. She finished her BA in 2007 and started an MA program in math and science education. The last 14 years she has been politically active in various fields, especially labor organizing. She founded Solidarity Network- Workers’ Center, feminist group Invisible Labor and Popular Economics Movement in Tbilisi.
21.4.2016 - „ბრძოლის ახალი ჰორიზონტი“ სოფო ჯაფარიძე, გიგა ბრეგვაძე,
13.2. 2017 - „რატომ არ ვართ აქტივისტები: საფუძვლიანი ორგანიზება“ სოფო ჯაფარიძე,
2.4.2017 - „რით განსხვავდება მარქსის მეთოდი პოლიტიკური ეკონომიკისგან?“ სოფო ჯაფარიძე,
12.6. 2017 - “Oligarch’s Constitution” Sopiko Japaridze, Jacobin