
Queer Feelings

Queer Feelings

The purpose of Queer theory, by its most common definition, is to challenge heteronormativity and existing, already defined categories of sexuality constantly. It speaks about the specificities and limits of struggles, which are produced by these categories. Queer theory formed the basis for Queer activism.

Fight for the Public Space: When Personal is Political

Public space is not gender neutral. This statement might sound provocative, but if we ask who we see most in the public space and whose interests and comfort it is tailored to, we will discover that the public space to this day remains the domain of young and healthy men of the right religious confession and sexual orientation. Women have fought and won the right to physically occupy the public space, but in the Georgian context this space is not gender sensitive or fitted to women's needs and safety concerns.

Legal Situation of LGBTI Persons in Georgia

As historically traditional societies, Georgia and Armenia have come a long way since the fall of the Soviet Union in terms of certain aspects of development. However, numerous challenges persist in the context of human rights, foretelling a long, arduous, obstacle-ridden road towards the achievement of equal rights for all groups. 

Anti-gender movements on the rise?

The contributors to this publication express concern about the current situation of gender equality and LGBTI rights in Central and Eastern Europe but give reason for hope too.

Kato Mikeladze: Unknown Stories of Georgian Feminism

South Caucasus Regional Office published a book "Kato Mikeladze: Unknown Stories of Georgian Feminism" to introduce Kato Mikeladze, a feminist activist of the early 20th century to a wider public and spread the word about the heritage she contributed to the local feminist thought.

50 Women of Georgia

Collection of post cards, which present biographies of 50 women, who have created new things,made discoveries, brought about change and weren't afraid of alterations.