Education: Physicist, Journalist
Position: Executive Director at Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG)
Research spheres: Women’s rights, gender and sexuality issues, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, representation of sexuality in media, hate speech.
Languages: Russian, English
City: Tbilisi
E-mail: tabakela[at]gmail.com
Biography: As a researcher she works on women’s rights, gender and sexuality issues since 2000. Since 2003 she has been studying representation of homosexuality in media; she leads WISG’s women’s rights programme which is focused on LBT women’s and transgender persons’ empowerment since 2005. In 2006-09 she worked as an editor of LGBT Magazine ME. She is an author/co-author of different studies regarding L(G)BT persons situation in Georgia, gender and sexuality issues, homophobic hate speech.