Marina Shvangiradze

Reading time: 3 minutes

Education: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Cybernetic and Applied Mathematics, qualification-Mathematician, Diploma in “Visual Robots”.

Position: Director and co-Founder of NGO “Sustainable Development Centre-Remissia.”

Research Interests:

For more than 15 years (in 1979- 1996) she worked in Health Care sector where her professional interest was investigation of adverse impact of psychological and physical test (e.g. time deficit in decision making) on physiological state of a human body through body signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG), reo-encephalogram (REG) and electrocardiogram (CKG). Researches were conducted jointly with the Sharitѐ Clinic from East Berlin, Germany and aimed at selection of staff for special professions required to make decision under time deficit (e.g. pilots, spacemen, etc).

Since 1996 she has been working on the issues related to Global Warming and Climate Change (CC). Main directions of her activities  are assessment of  CC impact in Georgia, global warming and its adverse impact on the various sectors of economy and ecosystems,  planning mitigation of GHG (Greenhouse Gases) and implementation of main principles for sustainable and low-emission development.

Languages: Georgian, English, Russian.

City: Tbilisi

Email:  mshvangiradze(at); mshvangiradze(at)


Starting from the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP3) in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, Marina was the member of Georgian Delegation almost at all COPs including COP20/MOP 10 in Lima, Peru. Served as a Vice –President of CoP 14 Bureau representing the Eastern European (EE) group of countries and served as a Rapporteur of the Bureau at COP19 and COP20. 

At National level, Marina  was manager of Georgia’s Second  and Third National Communications to the UNFCCC, manager of the TNA (Technology Needs Assessment) project phase I and consultant/adaptation team leader in the TNA phase II. National team leader of UNDP/ENVSEC regional project on climate change risks assessment in the South Caucasus Region and consultant.  

Since 2011 is a co-founder and director of NGO “Sustainable Development Centre- Remissia” ( Remissia’s profile is to cover all issues related to the climate change and sustainable development. Currently Remissia is involved in preparation of LEDS (Low Emission Development Strategy) for Georgia and supports 10 municipalities in development of SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plan). She personally is responsible for development of strategic documents and project proposals for sustainable development. 

Publications (Latest):

  1. CDM Offers New Type Investments. M. Shvangiradze. Bulletin of Strategic Development Center. 2005, December
  2. GHGs Reduction Potential in Energy and Industry Sectors of Georgia. M.Shvangiradze, B.Beritashvili; Proceedings of the Hydrometeorological Institute,2002
  3. Activities of Georgia on the Way to CDM. P. Janelidze; M.Shvangiradze. CTI Capacity Building Seminar for CEE/FSU Countries, 2002
  4. Vulnerability of Georgia’s ecosystems to the current climate change. National Bulletin, 2007, Georgia
  5. Georgia’s position in Bali Action Plan. National Bulletin, 2008, Georgia
  6. Future trends of GHGs from Georgia’s transportation sector. National Bulletin, 2008, Georgia
  7. Georgia’s SNC to the UNFCCC
  8. Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for Tbilisi city, 2011
  9. Ajara climate change strategy (2013), Georgia
  10. Climate Change and Agriculture in Kakheti
  11. Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Crop Productivity and Crop-Water Requirement in Kakhety Region, L. Megrelidze, M.Shvangiradze, M. Meladze. Proceeding of Regional Conference in Sustainable Agriculture. 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia. UAK 551.583
  12. Georgia’s TNC to the UNFCCC