(closed project) Memorandum of understanding was signed between Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office and Tbilisi City Council, which considered development of long-term policy to promote rememberance of women. According to this document, while naming the streets/squares, City Assembly was prioritizing the names of women, who contributed to the country’s history, but are invisible in the public memory.
Based on the biographies, collected under the project “50 women of Georgia” in 2012-13, HBF has prepared the list of women, whose names were not already given to the streets/squares in Tbilisi. Since 2014 to 2017, 25 streets were named after these women.
The aim of gender-sensitive policy was implementation of gender equality principles into the public policy and improvement of transparency of urban planning. Exactly because of transparency issues, Heinrich Boell Foundation took responsibility to finance production of the memorial boards with short biographies, which were installed in the streets named on the first stage of the project.
The list of streets is available only in Georgian.