(ongoing project)
International Gender Workshops
International Gender Workshop series is cooperation between different offices of Heinrich Boell Foundation and brings together gender program coordinators from respective offices and partner experts.
- 2012
Manifold Angles of Gender: Looking through a Magnifying Glass was organized by South Caucasus Regional office in Tbilisi, where Russia, Ukraine and Poland offices participated. After the workshop, the material was collected and printed as a publication. - 2013
Overcoming Gender Backlash: Experiences of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Poland” was organized and hosted by Heinrich Boell Foundation office in Kyiv in October 2013. South Caucasus Regional Office participated in the conference and supported visit of activists from Georgia and Armenia: Maia Barkaia, Lili Mamulashvili (Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group) and Anna Nikogosyan (Society without Violence).
Materials presented during the workshop is published electronically. The workshop demonstrated, that regardless of regional differences, the common tendencies for all six countries have recently become the rise of religion and nationalism that have threatened the achievements of feminist and LGBT-movements and have been pulling the societies backwards. - 2014
Are We Moving Forward or Backwards? Strategizing to Overcome Gender Backlash in Central and Eastern Europe. The workshop was organized by Berlin office in September 2014. Materials presented during the workshop is published. - 2015
All for Equality. Strategies for Mainstreaming Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Central and Eastern Europe. The workshop was organized in November 2015 in Warsaw. The article is published on the web-site of Hbs Poland.
Participants from the South Caucasus have written the following articles, which are published on our web:
- Alla Parunova - Sexual Harassment in the Public Spaces: Declaration of Power or Invisible Discrimination?
- Natia Gvianiashvili - Transgender Persons Living in Georgia and Access to Trans-specific Healthcare;
- Gohar Shahnazaryan - Structural and Cultural Causes of Gender-Based Violence in Armenia. - 2016
Fight for the Public Space: When Personal is Political. The workshop was organized by the South Caucasus Office in March 2016 in Tbilisi. Materials collected after the workshop were published as a publication.
Article about the event can be found here. - 2017
Gender and (military) conflicts in Eastern-European countries through feminist lenses. Workshop was organized by Kiev Office in Lviv in March 2017.
Materials collected after the workshop were published as a publication.
Participant from the South Caucasus wrote the following article, that was published on our web: - Nargiza Arjevanidze - Experiences of protracted, forced displacement in narratives of Internally Displaced women. -
Gender Oriented Sustainable Development. The workshop was organized by Belgrade (Serbia) Office in April 2018. It was oriented more on capacity building for program coordinators of HBs and their partners.