Our Projects
Gender Democracy program of the Heinrich Boell Foundation has been an ally and partner for many feminist projects in South Caucasus. In this page we present some of the projects we supported for many years. We are happy to share our precious archives with you.
Women's Fund in Georgia in cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Foundation created a project FeminStream in 2015. The project aimed to raise awareness about women's rights, gender equality, women's inspiration, and solidarity. Feminist podcast, prepared within the project were supported by us for five years. Project Archives are only available in Georgian.

Feminist Mother's Diaries

Project aims to start the feminist discussion about the controversial aspects of motherhood as an experience and as an institution. Also, it aims to critically rethink the concept from the perspective of mothers and feminists. Author of the project: a feminist researcher, Tamta Tatarashvili. Available only in Georgian

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Read Politics

Project "Read politics" is initiated by two women and aims at aims at raising awareness and promoting the culture of reading, or simply to say political reading isn't only getting familiar with the political document but it is a political analysis and critics of the text. Available only in Georgian

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Other Projects